The Tragic Death of Chester Bennington

and the link that is obvious with Chris Cornell’s death

Sam H Arnold
4 min readNov 29, 2021


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Chester Bennington was the dynamic singer for Linkin Park; he was also best friends with Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell. Two months after the death of Cornell, Bennington was found dead in his private residence in Los Angeles.

It has largely been speculated that the two apparent suicides were linked. I am also convinced that the two deaths are related, but not how many conspiracy theories have suggested.

Chester Bennington

Bennington was born on 20th March 1976 in Phoenix, Arizona. His mother was a nurse, and his father was a police detective working on child protection cases. This was especially ironic as at the age of seven, an older friend abused Bennington. The abuse continued until he was thirteen; Bennington would later state that he didn’t tell anyone in case people thought he was gay.

At eleven, Bennington’s parents divorced and his father gained custody of him. This caused him to spiral down; he started to abuse drink and drugs and was bullied at school. His only solace was to write songs to comfort himself.

Bennington moved in with his mother when he was seventeen, who recognized his drug habit and grounded him until he stopped. Shortly…



Sam H Arnold

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